這項法規讓所有人都感到很野蠻又殘忍,且完全扭轉先前歐巴馬政府在 2015 年制定的規定,像是譴責獵殺帶有幼熊的黑熊,或是用人類食物作為誘餌引誘棕熊等事項,新法規消息一釋出後,就受到許多人的反彈。
根據《The Guardian 》報導,非營利組織 the Center for Western Priorities(西部優先中心)的政策總監 Jesse Prentice-Dunn 指出這項新法規極度 “amazingly cruel”(驚人地殘忍),並補充說道:「這只是因應石油公司和那些有地位的獵人的要求,而減少對美國野生動物保護的一系列最新行動。」
然而阿拉斯加地區的狩獵文化已經不是一天兩天的事了,一個阿拉斯加的非營利組織 Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC)說道他們的宗旨,便是「致力於滿足我們地區的部落成員和受益人的健康和社會服務需求」。
專門介紹阿拉斯加原住民文化和自然生態的網站《Athabascan Woman》 的作者就談到狩獵在他們部落文化的意義,但也提到時代正在轉變。
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Story Part 2: After I chased the wolf and saw there was ANOTHER bear working it’s way up the beach, I woke her up again and said there’s another bear, let’s go! She scrambled, grabbed her gun, I grabbed the camera and we ran through the sand to get into position. I asked her if she wanted this bear. She said she wanted it, that she prayed for another chance and we were gonna take it. She had the patience to watch this brown bear close the distance from 500 yards in the fog to 300 yards. Then 200 yards. Then it turned and walked right toward us. It stopped, rummaged around on the beach digging for clams and throwing up logs. We watched it for a good 5 minutes eat and play around in the sand. Pretty soon it was 40 yards and walking right at us. I kept whispering to her to shoot, shoot, shoot now! It’s gonna be on top of us... and she’d respond with “wait! Just wait!” She was waiting for a broadside shot. I whispered, you won’t get it, shoot right in the center of the chest. Shoot it, now! She said just wait, just wait! Every step led it closer to us. Pretty soon it was at 20 yards and noticed something wasn’t right. It kept inching closer, and stopped at 12 yards, looked right at us and stood up. She drilled it in the center chest with a .300 short mag as it towered over us. It ran 50 yards and died instantly. I completely freaked out. “You just shot a bear! You waited until it stood up and you shot it! I’m so proud of you!!” (With maybe some mamma proud tears thrown in there.) I got it all on video. It was surreal to do this hunt with my bow last year. It was even more surreal to then take my 11 yr old daughter and guide her on her first ever bear hunt, watch her confidence grow through the process, her fear fade, and watch it all unfold. It’s sort of the coolest video ever and she is sort of the coolest, bravest girl in the world! #brownbearhunting #brownbears #hunting #alaska #stuckntherut #youthhunt #diy #spotnstalk
A post shared by Tana - Bristol Bay Fitness (@tanasue_fit) on May 17, 2020 at 12:59pm PDT
在了解完阿拉斯加原住民的文化後,再去查看阿拉斯加的非營利組織 TCC 的網站頁面,會發現他們根本沒有提到殺害幼熊的事,主要都是討論關於捕魚和狩獵遊戲的主題。
Photo via:unilad
國家公園保護協會(NPCA)的總裁兼執行長 Theresa Pierno 回應了這項新法規:「內政大臣 Ryan Zinke 直接向國家公園管理局(National Park Service)表示,對於做出的這項新決定感到很羞恥,國家公園管理局必須有權防止在國家公園內肆意殺死熊及其幼崽的行為。」
根據報導,新規定將包括允許獵人使用人造光從巢穴中獵捕黑熊,包括幼熊及帶有幼熊的母熊、用誘餌吸引黑熊和棕熊、 在牛仔季節打獵狼和土狼,並可以在游泳或騎乘摩托遊艇時射擊馴鹿。
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