即將在情人節當天上映的《Fifty Shades of Grey》真的吊足了觀眾的胃口,相信有不少人老早就買好預售票等著上映之後馬上到電影院報到,不過在這之前除了大家看過的Lego版和《Frozen》版預告之外,還有網友發揮了超強的想像力把一眾Disney的主角們畫成《Fifty Shades of Grey》裡的男女主角, 在美國Cosmopolitan和DeviantArt一位不具名的藝術家合作刊出的圖畫中,將這些本來就讓人臉紅心跳的畫面換作優雅的公主和王子們來詮釋,真的讓人看了非常害羞阿!
不過這樣刺激的畫面對某些網友來說可能非常吃不消,有些人甚至直言將兒童看的電影角色拿來跟《Fifty Shades of Grey》書本裡頭的劇情做連結很噁心,不過如果出於藝術的角度觀賞的話,這些人的怒火是不是會稍稍平息呢?
1. 睡美人 Aurora and Phillip, Sleeping Beauty
"He lifts me up, and suddenly we're moving, my arms still tethered above my head, and I can feel the cool wood of the polished cross at my back, and he's popping the buttons on his jeans. He puts me down against the cross briefly while he slides on a condom, and then his hands wrap around my thighs and he lifts me again." — "trussed up" sex, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 324
2. 公主與青蛙 Tiana and Naveen, The Princess and the Frog
"Very slowly, he pulls down my sweatpants. Oh, how demeaning is this? Demeaning and scary and hot. He's making such a meal of this. My heart is in my mouth. I can barely breathe. Shit, is this going to hurt?" — the first spank, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 274
3. 灰姑娘 Cinderella and Prince Charming, Cinderella
"He holds out his hand, and in his palm are two shining silver balls linked with a thick black thread... I look questioningly up at him. 'I am going to put these inside you, and then I'm going to spank you, not for punishment, but for your pleasure and mine.' He pauses, gauging my wide-eyed reaction." — a Ben Wa party, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 362
4. 風中奇緣 Pocahontas and John Smith, Pocahontas
"'We're here because you said yes, Anastasia. And you ran from me. I am going to hit you six times, and you will count them with me.' Why the hell doesn't he just get on with it? He always makes such a meal of punishing me." — a belt too far, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 505
5. 美女與野獸 Belle and Beast, Beauty and the Beast
"Christian is standing over me grasping a plaited leather riding crop... He flicks the crop slowly into his palm as he gazes down on me. He's smiling, triumphant." — the (wet) dream sequence sex, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 231
6. 花木蘭 Mulan and Li Shang, Mulan
"He binds my wrists together with his tie, knotting it firmly. His eyes are bright with excitement. He tugs at the binding. It's secure. Some Boy Scout he must have been to learn this knot. What now?" — Ana's first achievement badge, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 139
7. 阿拉丁 Jasmine and Aladdin, Aladdin
"'I am going to tie you to that bed, Anastasia. But I'm going to blindfold you first and,' he reveals his iPod in his hand, 'you will not be able to hear me. All you will hear is the music I am going to play for you.'" —a whole new world of sensory deprivation sex, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 487
8. 小美人魚 Ariel and Eric, The Little Mermaid
"He stops and reaches for a washcloth as I pant against him, wanting... needing. My hands rest on his firm, muscular things. Squirting more soap onto the washcloth, he leans down and washes between my legs. I hold my breath." — bathtub sex, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 135
9. 冰雪奇緣 Anna and Kristoff, Frozen
"He reaches between my legs and pulls out the blue string — what!? — and gently takes my tampon out and tosses it into the nearby toilet. Sweet mother of all... jeez. And then he's inside me." — that too-wild-for-the-movie tampon scene, Fifty Shades of Grey, p. 430