In the loop
"loop" 有迴圈、環形、圈等意思,而 "in the loop" 表示「在圈圈裡」,代表某人被包括在某個討論、計劃或資訊的當中,掌握事情新的進展或資訊。
同個案子裡,確定每個參與者都 “in the loop”,可以避免溝通斷層和誤解。
1/ "Make sure to keep Sarah in the loop about the project updates."
2/ "I wasn't in the loop, so I missed the important deadline."
Go the extra mile
Go extra mile 字面上直翻過來是「走多出來的路」,意思是走得比預期更遠。在辦公室情境下,go extra mile 代表一個人願意付出超出預期的努力來完成任務。
1/ "John always goes the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction."
「John 總是盡心盡力以確保顧客滿意。」
2/ "Our team went the extra mile to finish the project ahead of schedule."
Blue-sky thinking
Blue-sky thinking 意思和 brainstorming 有點像,是一種創意發想的方式,代表用一種沒有任何限制或現實的約束方式思考,就像藍天一樣廣闊無垠。
在會議中主管可能會請大家 "blue-sky thinking",看是否能激發出一些創新和前所未有的想法。
1/ "During our brainstorming session, we encouraged blue-sky thinking to come up with innovative solutions."
2/ "Blue sky thinking helps in generating out-of-the-box ideas that can revolutionize our processes."
Low-hanging fruit
Low hanging fruit 是成熟了,從樹上重重垂下來、唾手可得的果實。
Low-hanging fruit 形容那些容易達成的目標或任務,就像是最容易摘到的果實。在制定策略時,先處理 "low-hanging fruit",可以迅速見效,並為更困難的挑戰留出資源。
1/ "Let’s address the low-hanging fruit first to achieve quick wins."
2/ "By focusing on the low-hanging fruit, we can make noticeable progress early on."
在辦公室中,創造 "synergy" 可以提升效率和創新。
1/ "The synergy between the marketing and sales teams led to a significant increase in revenue."
2/ "By combining our resources, we can achieve greater synergy and outperform our competitors."
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>> 辦公室英語 Vol.1:職場常聽見的 “circle back”、“touch base”,你都聽得懂嗎?
>> Obviously、Does that make sense… 職場的商務電郵裡,這 5 個英文常用語,原來很容易惹人不高興
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